Report on Petition of Daniel Tower the committee asking to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject was read and accepted in concurrance [concurrence] with the Senate sent up
Report on Petition of Benjamin Weston and others that Legislation on that subject is inexpedient was read and accepted in concurrance [concurrence] with the Senate sent up
Report on Petition of Inhabitants of Chandlers Gore granting leave to Bring in a Bill was read and referred to the next Legislature in concurrance [concurrence] with the Senate Sent up
Report on Petition of Charles Baker and others - " -of Levi Goodrich and others that said Petitions be referred to the Committee on State Lands was read and accepted in concurrance [concurrence] with the Senate sent up
Bill additional establishing the salaries of Judges and registers of Probate was read a third time and a passage refused sent up for concurrance [concurrence]
Bill to incorporate the Manufacturers Savings Bank -to annex a part of Williams College Grant to the town of Houlton was read a first and second time and tommorow [tomorrow] at ten o clock assigned for a third reading