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vote postponing the same indefinitely The Senate still insist on their former vote and propose a Conference and appoint as Conferees an their part Messrs Benson, Talbot and Greene. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred and the House appoint Messrs Hobbs, Cogswell and Wilson as Conferees on their part.

Bill additional to regulate Banks, by prohibiting the emission and circulation of Bank Bills or notes of a small denomination was taken up and farther considered. Mr Merrow moved to strike out the sixth section; and the question of so amending, being ordered by yeas and nays was decided in the negative as follows, to wit, Yeas. Messrs. Allen, Benson, McIntire, Merrow, Miller, Pierce and Severance ___________7. Nays. Messrs. Clark, Frye, Greene, Jarvis, Johnson, Kelsey, Mantor, Purinton, Staples, Strickland and Talbot ___________11. Said Bill was further amended, and the same on motion of Mr Merrow was committed to a Select Committee, consisting of Messrs Merrow, Benson and Purinton with instructions to report said Bill in a new draft as amended.

Bill additional to incorporate the Cumberland Stream Navigation Company (reported by Mr Jarvis from the Committee on Banks and Banking on petition of James C. Churchill and others;) Bill to incorporate Athen's Academy