School Teachers, Bill to establish an Institution for 221. 329. 337. Sebago Canal Company, Bill to incorporate 313. 321. 339. 341. 361. Secretary , William Trafton chosen 3. acceptance, 3. qualified 3. " Assistant, William H. Burrell appointed 3. " directed to prepare tickets for Members to draw seats 4. " to be made up on Pay Roll compensation for completing the Journal, &c 341. " of State chosen 31. notified 46. acceptance 56. " " communication from, relative Banks 55. 134. 300. " " " " " relative to expense of making roads & bridges 147. " " " from, relative to towns and plantations that have made no returns of scholars 185 Seat of Government, Resolve for the removal of 36. 297. Seminary, Maine Wesleyan 102, Resolve for the benefit of 195. 204. 263. 287. 344. Senators called to order 2. qualified 2. Senatorial votes committed to Select Committee 4, report 16. Senator, Anson G. Chandler chosen 29. notified 31. acceptance 104. qualified 110. " John Read, chosen 301. notified 301. acceptance and qualified 337. Sewall, Joseph, Resolve in favor of, 358. 360. 362. Shirley, town of, Bill to incorporate, 269. 295. Snell, Willard, Resolve in favor of, 178. 182. 206. Society, Clerical Library, of Cumberland, York and Oxford, Bill to incorporate 128. 136. 230. 254. Somerset, Bill to incorporate town of - 256. South Berwick, Bill to annex part of York to 108. 109. 117. 188. 198. 225. Stewart, Asa, Resolve in favor of - 365 Stillwater Canal, Bill regulating tolls on, & extending time of completing the same, 109. 116. 224. Springfield, Bill to incorporate 172. 179. 206. Stackpole, Joseph & others, Bill to annex to Albion 172. 179.