law for the protection of the Salmon, Shad, and Alewive Fisheries in Penobscot River and its tributary streams. And also the expediency of presenting to this Legislature in a new draft, all the necessary provisions for preserving said Fisheries, and repealing all laws now existing in relation thereto, - read and on motion of Mr Prescott, amended by striking out the words "in Penobscot River and its tributary streams," and inserting in lieu thereof on all the principal rivers and their tributary streams throughout the State, and passed as thus amended. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
The Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges & Canals reported order of notice on petition of Abijah Smith and others, read and accepted, in concurrence.
A message was received from the Governor transmitting a communication from Benjamin Brown Esquire of Vassalborough in which he generously offers the State a site for an Insane Hospital and the sum of Six Thousand Dollars in money for the purpose of aiding in the endowment of such an Institution - read and referred to the Joint Select Committee that have under consideration so much of the Governor's message as relates to an Insane Hospital. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Attest, William Trafton, secretary.