Orders. Special.
Order, adopting the Rules of Order of next year &c. 10. -"- relative to the appt of Messenger - 11. -"- requesting the attendance of the Clergymen of Augusta, of Hallowell, or Chaplains, 11. -"- relative to the Resignation of Peleg Sprague. 11. -"- to notify Councilors of their election, 24. -"- requesting Governor to furnish information relation to certain British Claims, 26. -"- requesting Land agt. to make repot. relative to the sales of Public Land, 26. -"- relative to State Printing. 26. 155. -"- directing Clerk to get Rules & Orders printed, 29. -"- relative to a draftsman, 30. 57. 57. -"- assigning the time to choose Senators to Congress, 47. -"- to notify town of Westbrook of the Resignation of Levi Merrill, 56. -"- to North Eastern Boundary, 60. 74. 77. 83. 87. 93. 98. 107. -"- relative to Clerk him in Sect. Office, 61. 174. -"- relative to choosing Senator to Congress. 66. 67. -"- directing Leg to notify Governor of the election of John Ruggles, Senator to Congress, 69. -"- requiring Governor to return to this House certain Resolves, 70. -"- relative to convening Desks in Repo. Hall. 112. -"--"- to Pet. of Alexander Reed, 105. -"--"- to Clerks Desk. 109. - -"- directing Sect of State to inform Asa Redington Jr. of his election, as Treas. of State, 138. -"- to removing the Judicial Courts from Ellesworth to Castine - 141. -"- relation to an abstract of the returns of fish 153. -"- requesting Gov. to send copy of Resolve relation to the Railroad to Lubec to Senators in Congress, 163.