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petitions for the incorporation of New Banks and for the increase of Capital of others, made a Report in part, which Report was read and accepted, and the same, on motion of Mr. Severance was ordered to lie on the table, and that 500 copies of the Report be printed for the use of the Legislature.

A communication was received from John Burnham and Timothy Pilsbury, Counsellors elect, signifying their acceptance and readiness to take and subscribe the necessary oaths. - Read and sent down.

On motion of Mr Clark, Ordered, that a Message be sent to the House of Representatives, proposing a Convention of the two Houses in the Representatives Hall this day at eleven o'clock for the purpose of qualifying Timothy Pilsbury and John Burnham, Counsellors elect who have severally signified their acceptance and readiness to take and subscribe the oaths of office, Which message was delivered by the Secretary.

On motion of Mr Jewett, Ordered, that a Message be sent to the House of Representatives, proposing a Convention of the two Houses in the Representatives Hall this day at eleven o'clock, for the purpose of electing a Treasurer of State, for the current political year. Which message was delivered by the Secretary.

A message was received from the House of Representatives, concurring in the foregoing propositions.