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Joseph Butterfield and others; and legislation inexpedient on the following orders, to wit; -- relative to making private property of Stockholders of Manufacturing Companies, liable for the debts of the Corporations --relative to remunerating innocent persons committed for a supposed offence -- relative to increasing the number of the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court -- relative to the incorporation of Villages -- relative to the manner by which persons may effect a change of name -- relative to the indictment of towns for bad roads -- relative to the purchase of lands, in villages, for burial grounds; -- relative to divorces on account of drunken husbands -- relative to the auction sale of the maintenance of paupers of towns -- relative to the taking of excessive usury --and relative to amending "an Act to annex the town of Litchfield to the County of Kennebec" so as to provide for the prosecution of any suit touch- ing real estate pending in any Court in Lincoln at the passage of said Act -- severally read and accepted.

Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Mr. Frye from the Committee on Manufactures reported reference to next Legislature on petition of Timothy C. Ward and others and leave to