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4 B Banks and Banking, Bill to repeal an Act additional to regulate, 182,188,208. -"- , Bill to regulate by prohibiting the emission and circulation of Bank Bills or notes of a small denomination, 276,279,325. Bank, Bills, small, Bill to prevent the circulation of, 265,272,276. -"- tax, Resolve authorizing a part of, to be distributed among certain towns that have refused to make return to the Secretary of State the present year, 159,162. Barfe, Phebe and John Noble, Resolve authorizing, to make conveyance of real estate in certain cases, 159,164,182. Baring Bridge, Bill additional to incorporate 106,122. -"- Houlton Road, Resolve respecting, 330,349. Bath, Bill authorizing town of, to take stock of the Merrymeeting Bridge, 327,331,345. -"- , Bill repealing part of an Act to establish a Municipal Court in the town of 268,274,298. -"- , Bill authorizing first parish in, to sell their Meeting house, 273,277,298. -"- Bill to incorporate the third parish in, 302,308,337. Bears & Wolves, Bill to encourage the destruction 216,222,260. Beasts impounded, & stray beasts, Bill additional concerning 168. Beef & Pork, Bill additional regulating the inspection of 188,196. Belfast, Bill authorizing the Court of County Commissioners for Waldo County to lay out a highway over tide waters in, and the inhabitants of Belfast to build a bridge over the same, 169,174. Benevolent Society, Lincoln, Bill to incorporate 227,232,278. Bent, John, Resolve in favor of 228,232,278. Blind in the State, abstract of the returns of, communicated by Secretary of State, 270. -"- Resolve additional relating to, 339,346.