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287 Resolve for establishing a Board of Internal Improvements was, on motion of Mr. Clark, taken up and committed to a Select Committee of the Senate consisting of Messrs. Clark, Barnard and Smith.

Resolve in favor of Abner B. Thompson and Joseph Sewall (laid on the table by Mr. Chandler) was read once. Mr. Emmons moved that said Resolve be indefinitely postponed. And the question of indefinite postponement, being ordered to be taken by yeas and nays, was decided in the affirmative as follows, to wit: Yeas. Messrs. Allen, Barnard, Brown, Emmons, Farnham, F. Greene, Latham, Mantor, Miller, Pierce, Prescott, Randall, Read and Tobin __14 Nays. Messrs Bartlett, Burnham, Chandler, Clark, Fish, C. Greene, McIntire and Purinton __ 8.

Order from the House of Representatives instructing the Committee on Banks and Banking to inquire into the expediency of passing a law to restrain the Banks in this State from discounting paper payable at any place other than those in which the Banks are respectively located, in such a manner that the whole amount due upon such paper shall not at any time exceed one fifth or other suitable proportion of the total amount of their respective loans -- read and passed, in concurrence.

Resolve in favor of Hall Clements (reported in the House by the Committee on Claims, on