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292 by Mr. Miller) was read twice and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Bill additional to an Act to incorporate the town of Naples (introduced in the House) was read twice and passed to be engrossed in concurrence.

Bill in addition to an Act to incorporate the City of Bangor came up from the House further amended. The Senate nonconcur with the House in their proposed amendment and adhere to their former vote passing the same to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Resolve respecting the State Prison (reported by Mr. Randall from the Committee on the State Prison, to which were referred so much of the Governor's message as relates to the Penitentiary System and the State Prison, and the reports of the Warden and Inspectors of State Prison and the report of the Joint Standing Committee on the State Prison of the last Legislature, and also on an order directing certain inquiries respecting the debts due to and from the State on account of the Prison) was read once, and the same on motion of Mr. Smith, was ordered to lie on the table, and 500 copies of the report and Resolve be printed for the use of the Legislature.

On motion of Mr. Prescott. Ordered, that when the Senate adjourn, they so far dispense with the rules and orders relative to an afternoon session as to adjourn till Monday morning at nine o'clock.