U Umbagog Company, Bill to incorporate 108, 110, 142, 150, 158, 316. Unfinished business, a list of laid whom the table by the secretary of the Senate 19, referred 28. Union Academy, Resolve in favor of 388. Union Bank, Bill to increase the capital Stock of, 219, 385, 419. Union Wharf Company, Bill to incorporate 261, 268, 298. United States, Bill to authorize the cession of jurisdiction and real estate to, in certain cases 474, 477, 483. United States and this State to subscribe for certain Stocks, Bill to authorize 374, 465. United States, North Eastern Territory of, claimed by Great Britain, Resolve concerning, 464, 476.
V Vacancy in 10th Senatorial District 12, proposition for Convention to fill 12. Vacancy in 10th Senatorial District filled 17. Vassalborough Paper Manufacturing Company, Bill incorporating 448, 452,468,477. Vaughan's Bridge, Resolve respecting the reduction of tolls on, 359, 364, 403. Vaughan, William J. Clerk of the Judicial Courts for Cumberland County, communications from 165. Victuallers, Common, Inn holders and others purposes, Bill for the regulation of 351, 392, 398, 425. Victuallers, Common, Inn holders and Retailers, Bill additional respecting 374.