371 Resolve additional for the benefit of the blind (introduced in the House) -"- making appropriations for military's purposes (reported by the committee on the Militia, on petition of James Smith and others and on the Adjutant General's Report) severally read once, and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a second reading.
Bill to incorporate the Alfred Manufacturing Company came up from the House amended. The Senate reject the amendment proposed by the House and insist on their former vote passing the same to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as correctly engrossed, Resolve authorizing the Treasurer to pay the members in Gold and Silver and the Same was Finally Passed [underlined]
The same Committee reported as correctly engrossed Bill to incorporate the Maine Sythe and Shovel Manufacturing Company, -"- to incorporate the Frankfort Steam Mill, Wharf and Warehouse Corporation, -"- to incorporate the New York and Hallowell Granite Association, -"- to incorporate the Minot Shoe Manufacturing Company, -"- to incorporate the Livingston Academy, -"- to incorporate the Howes Line State Company, -"- to incorporate the Jonesborough and Whitneyville Rail Road Company -"- to incorporate the Penobscot Rail Road Corporation,