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The mountains are covered with snow - Middle Oct. Dear me! Should you like to hear Lydia Whitten sing her baby to sleep? She beats old McKis [?]. I went out in ["in" added above the line with a carat] the kitchen just now to get my baked apples + milk, + heard it all the time I was eating without paying a cent for it. I guess you dont get music so cheap in Boston. sometime Josiah sings.

Good night. [underlined] Z Long Saturday morn'g 16th Oct. Cold as Greenland + the cows in the corn. ["the cows in the corn" underlined] Mountains all white as in mid winter. How I dread winter. It was not so when I was a boy. Then[underlined] I anticipated sliding[underlined] time with pleasure, + the time, as the Poet Thompson [sic] wrote, when "Thro. the hush'd air the whitening shower descends." "At first thin wavering, till at last the flakes "Fall broad + wide, + fast, dimming the Day" "With a continual flow." I like Thompson's poetry - His hymn on the seasons, that begins "These, as they change, Almighty Father, these "Are but the varied God. The rolling year "Is full of thee". - is grand beyond comparison But I must not quote poetry, but go to the barn + husk - + shiver with the cold - Good Morning ZL