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Bills B

for the relief of school districts in the town of}

    Freeman & Phillips - -                              } 118. 122. 141

to incorporate Foxcroft Academy }144. 166. 173. 181. 208 an act repealing an Act entitled an Act for the preservation }

    of Fish in Penobscot River and Bay                                } 168. 198. referred

repealing the act regulating the fisheries in}

    Waldoborough                                        } 188. 194. 226

repealing an Act respecting the Alewive Fishery}

    in Boothbay                                                    } 221. 225. 250

further regulating the Herring Fishery 224. 233. 242 making further provision for the preservation of Fish }

    in Union River Bay and its waters                         } 230. 232. 251.

for the preservation of Fish in Newport 252. 263 additional to an Act establishing and regulating }

    the fees of certain officers therein mentioned } 233. 256. 263

to incorporate the Northern Harmonic Society 74. 119. 123. 204. 209. 216. 228 additional to an act directing the method of laying}

    out and making provision for the repair and     }
    amendment of Highways -                                } 89. 141. 167. 174. 216. 250

to set off a part of Thomas Pattens land from }

    Newberg to Hampden                                } 164. 208

to set off part of Columbia to Harrington 201. 210. 218 to cede to the United States the jurisdiction of }

    land on Monhegan Island -                          } 74. 82. 101

to annex Porter Willis et als of Anson to Industry 234. 235. 250 in addition to an Act regulating the selection empanneling [empanelling]}

    and service of Jurors                                                                           } 79. 86. 100. 106. 134. 148

to sett off part of a lot of land in the town of Canton }

    and annex the same to Jay -                               } 126. 146. 167

additional to an Act regulating Judicial process }

    and proceedings                                            } 247. 259

to incorporate the Kennebunk Manufacturing }

    Company -                                                  } 108. 122. 141