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[1823 January 8th]

[Treasurer of State Chosen]

The Convention then proceeded to elect a Treasurer of State for the current year - The whole number of votes given in was 151 - necessary to a choice 76 - Joseph C. Boyd Esq had 147 and was declared elected - The two Houses then separated -

[Notice ordered to Treasurer elect]

On motion of Mr Witham, Ordered that the Secretary of the Senate notify Joseph C Boyd Esquire - of his election as Treasurer of State -

[Order, concurring Education of Youth]

On motion of Mr. Dennett - Ordered that the Committee to whom was referred the petition of John Hilton and others be directed to consider the expediency of making any amendment - in the laws providing for the education of youth with leave to report by bill or otherwise - Read accepted and sent down for concurrence -

[Pet. Jona. Morgan & als]

Petition of Jonathan Morgan and others committed to the Joint Standing Committee on Turnpikes - Bridges and Canals - sent down for concurrence - came up concurred -

[Resolve relative to Bangor Bank]

Resolve appointing a Committee to enquire into the doings of Bangor Bank - Read and passed to be engrossed - was sent down for concurrence -

[Bill to incorporate the town of North Salem]

A Bill to incorporate the town of North Salem passed in the House to be engrossed - came up for concurrence - was read and passed to be engrossed with amendments - and sent down for concurrence -