Bills entitled "An act defining the general powers & duties of turnpike corporations" "An act to regulate the manufacture & inspection of stone lime & lime casks [?]" severally passed to be enacted.
Adjourned till 3 O'clock this afternoon
Met according to adjournment
Report of the committee on new trials on the petitions of John Walkers and Hannah Walkers, Elias Taylor, Ezekiel Waterhouse and David Fuller, James Hanscomb & R. Elder and wife, came up, the House concurring in the acceptance of the same, so far as to give Richard Elder, Claisa Alder and Elias Taylor leave to withdraw , and non concurring as regards John Walker Hannah Walker, Ezekiel Waterhouse & David Fuller and giving them leave to bring in a Resolve. The Senate adhere to their former vote and send the said report down.
Ordered that "Miscellaneous & military accounts" reported by the joint standing committee on accounts on the 13th instant be committed to messrs Ripley & Witham for the purpose of bringing in a Resolve authorizing the payment of the same. Read & passed.
Bill entitled "An act to regulate the taking of mackerel & to prevent the destruction of the same" read & passage refused to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred.
Bill entitled "An act for the preservation of certain fish" having had two several readings passed to be engrossed as amended. Sent down for concurrence.