453 [Pet. Sam Winter & wife] A Message was sent to the Senate requesting that the petition of Samuel Winter, praying that his marriage may be made valid may be sent down; - the Messenger returned with the petition endorsed as follows: In Senate March 13th 1821 The Committee on New Trials are discharged from any further consideration hereof. Sent down for concurrence The House concur in discharging said Committee, and the petition is committed to Messrs Virgin, Hutchings and McLellan.
[Bill - fishery] Bill to regulate the Herring and other fisheries." is reported with an amendment at A, which is adopted. Read a third time and passed to be engrossed as amended by striking out the proviso at A. Sent up for concurrence
[Bill - Courts of Probate] Bill to regulate the jurisdiction & proceedings of the Courts of Probate" came back from the Senate with sundry amendments which are partially adopted and the Bill committed to Messrs Emery, Wheeler & Miller of St George.
[Bill - fishery in harbour of Mr Desert - ] Bill "to regulate the fishery of Alewives in the harbour of Mount Desert." In Senate March 13th 1821. Passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Read a first, second & third time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate.
[Resolve - pay Chief Justice of CCCP. for 3d Eastern Circuit] Resolve allowing an annual payment from the State Treasury to the Chief Justice of the C. C. C. Pleas for the 2d Eastern Circuit; came back