- of Lewiston to be annexed to Cumberland County - of Selectmen of Lyman for a committee to settle the line between that town & Alfred - of John Gray Jr & als of Woodstock to be annexed to Paris - of Inh. of Monroe to annex a part of Frankfort to that town - of Saml Taylor 3d & als of Windsor & China to be annexed to Vassalboro' - were severally read & referred to the committee on the Incorporation of towns - Sent up for concurrence.
Adjourned to three oclock this afternoon.
Afternoon. Met according to adjournment.
[Report of Committee to wait on Governor]
Mr Fillebrown from the joint committee to inform the Governor of his election &c - reported to the House that the Governor would attend forthwith to be qualified.
[Message for a convention]
Message from the Senate by Mr Smith their Secretary, Mr Speaker, The Senate propose a convention of both branches forthwith to qualify the Governor elect - The House concurred & the Clerk was requested to acquaint the Senate therewith.
[Governor qualified.]
The Senate came in and were assigned seats - The Governor elect Albion K Parris Esquire attended by the Council, Secretary & Treasurer of State, preceeded by the Sheriff of Cumberland also came in, and took and subscribed the oaths required by the Constitution & laws of the United States & of this State to qualify him to discharge the duties of Governor of the State of Maine the ensuing political year - and Amos Nichols Esqr Secretary of State made public proclamation accordingly - The Governor &c withdrew after which the Senate withdrew.
[pet. of Cornish sent for.]
Ordered that the Senate be requested to send to this House the petition of the town of Cornish to have their doings made valid, presented at the last session - read & passed.