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Bills, incorporating certain persons for the purpose of building a Bridge in the town of Calais - - recognizing the Great Falls Manufacturing Company as a Corporation within this State - - In addition to an act incorporating the Proprietors of the Free Meeting house in Georgetown - - to incorporate the Proprietors of Martin Point Bridge - - granting to the Saco & Ossipee Log Navigating Company a certain right in Limington Bridge - - to incorporate the Saco Falls Manufacturing Company - - authorizing the town of Gilead to build a toll bridge over Wild River - - to incorporate the Brewer Meeting House Corporation - - to incorporate the Commercial Bank - - to incorporate the Thomaston Bank.- - to incorporate the Vassalboro' Bank - - to incorporate the Somerset Bank - in addition to the several acts now in force respecting Highways were severally passed to be enacted. Sent up for concurrence.

Resolve, making valid certain proceedings of the town of Clinton was finally passed. Sent up for concurrence.

A message was received from the Senate informing the House that they should adjourn, when they did adjourn until 1/2 past nine oclock tomorrow morning.

Bill concerning sales of land for taxes, was reported & on motion referred to Messrs Vance of No 6, Fessenden of Portland & Fogg of Montville.

Adjourned until three oclock this afternoon.

Afternoon, Met according to adjournment.

Bill additional to an act prescribing the mode of taking depositions, (reported by the committee on that subject) was read 1st & 2nd time & tomorrow at 10 oclock assigned for a 3d reading.

Bill establishing a Police Court in the town of Portland, was read 1st & 2nd time & Friday at 10 oclock assigned for a 3d reading.