Petition of Simon Nowell & als to be incorporated as the Proprs of the Kennebunkport Distillery - - of Ebenr C. Wilder & als to be incorporated as the Tide Mill Company in Dennysville - were severally read and referred to the Committee on manufactures. Sent up for concurrence.
Mr Alden laid on the table a, Resolve in favor of the town of Brunswick, which was read & referred to the committee on Finance.
Petition of George Dyer & als of Vinalhaven on subject of the fisheries - - of John Whitman of Vinalhaven on the same subject - - of G. S. Smith of Machias for a revision of the fish laws - - of William Bradbury & als for a revision of the fish laws relating to Dover &c were severally read and referred to the committee on interior fisheries. Sent up for concurrence.
Petition of A. B. Thompson & Robert Orr for a revision of the militia laws, came from the Senate referred to the committee on military affairs for concurrence - and the House concurred.
Petition of William Goodenow to be admitted to practice as an Attorney of the C.C. Pleas, came from the Senate referred to the committee on the Judiciary - and the House concurred.
Bill to incorporate the town of Cutler, taken from the Senates files of last year, came from the Senate referred to the committee on incorporation of towns - and the House concurred.
Petition of Daniel Cony & als for a division of the South Parish in Augusta, came from the Senate referred to the committee on the incorporation of Parishes & other religious Societies. Sent up for concurrence.
Petition of Henry W Fuller & als to be incorporated as the Proprietors of the Kennebec Mill Dam Association, came from the Senate referred to the Committee on so much of the Governors Message