Agreeably to assignment, the two Houses met in convention in the Representatives Chamber, when Daniel Wood, Jonathan Thayer, Josiah Dunn Junior & Edward Fuller, Counsellors elect, came in, and took and subscribed the oaths required by the Constitution to qualify them for that office.
Reports on the petitions of James McCarty & al - - " " of Nathaniel Deering & al - - " " of Town of Litchfield granting leave for Bills, - came from the Senate accepted for concurrence and the House concurred.
Reports on the petitions of Abraham Ripley & al - " " of William Glidden & al - " " of Manasseh Lawrence & al - " " of the Selectmen of LIberty - ordering Notice, came from the Senate accepted for concurrence and the House concurred.
Report on the petition of Barnabas Tabor - came from the Senate referred to the next Legislature for concurrence and the House concurred.
Petition of Lemuel Cobb Junior for a law prohibiting foreigners from taking Lobsters on our coast, was read & referred to the committee on interior fisheries. Sent up for concurrence.
The House took up the consideration of the order and also of the communication of the Secretary of State in relation to the job, State Printing, and assigned Tuesday next at eleven oclock further to consider the subject and ordered that the Clerk cause to be printed two hundred copies of the communication of the Secretary of State for the use of the members.
Bill establishing County Workhouses taken from the last years files of the Senate & sent down at the request of the House, was on