Assistant Clerk – appointed 9.
Annual Report of State Treasurer. 24. 25. 53. 70.
" of Warden of State Prison. 64.
" of Land Agent. 86. 125.
" of Auditors on Land Agents Accounts. 86.
Accounts of Land Agent. 125.
Appropriation for Public Buildings. 32. 119. 121. 126.
Absences, leave of, 72. 76. 98. 115. 141. 145. 158. 171. 175. 176. 183. 189. 190. 194. 199. 203. 206. 214. 218. 220. ib. 223.
John Balkam elected a Senator to fill vacancy. 15.
Banks. 56.
Jabez P Bradbury, new system of Surveying. 95.
Bills – additional to an act entitled an act establishing the County of Waldo. 40, 54, 77.
" additional to an act to establish the Kennebec & Androscoggin Canal Association. 41. 185. 199. 211. 218.
" establishing County Work Houses. 37. 49. 64. 91.
" to divide the town of Edgecomb and incorporate that part by the name of Jeremy Squam Island into a town by the name of Westport. 57. 75. 125. 132.
" to alter the fall term of the Court of Sessions for Oxford County. 53. 57. 65.
" establishing the salaries of Judge & Register of Probate in Waldo County. 56. 65. 69. 84.
" additional to an act concerning the assessment & collection of taxes. 58. 65. 80. 159. 166. 199. 224.
" additional to an act enabling the owners of meeting Houses to manage the same. 61. 65. 68. 112.
" repealing so much of an act entitled an act to repeal an act to establish Courts of Sessions &c. 65. 88. 188. 204. 214. 2[?]
" to alter the time of holding the Court of Sessions in Hancock County. 67. 78. 88.
" in addition to an act entitled an act regulating the selection &c &c. of Jurors. 71. 76. 101. 124.
" to authorize John Wood to maintain a dam & slip in Little Keizer River. 73. 102. 110. 115.
" additional to an act to incorporate the Proprietors of North Turner Bridge. 74. 79. 98.
" additional to an act setting off Isaiah Jenkins & als from Litchfield &c - 75. 102. 118.
" providing for the establishment of libraries & promotion of Education 75. [112?].
" regulating attachments on Real Estate. 78. 99. 114. 125. 136. 170.
" authorizing the owners of the falls & mill privileges on Neguasset Falls to erect a dam thereon - 79. 83, ib. 93.