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Bill additional increasing the Salary of the Probate for the County of Penobscot was read a second time and ordered to be recommitted sent up for concurrance [concurrence]

Messrs. Moore of Dover Dumont of Hallowell Small of Limington Prince of Turner Morrill of Westbrook Pike of Athens and Allen of Lubec were added on the part of the House to the Committee who have under consideration the subject of Inspection of Lime and Lime Casks and the Committee were instructed to report a statement of facts

An order introduced by Mr. Lake of Bucksport requesting the Governor and Council to appoint some suitable person forthwith to repair to the Medical School at Brunswick for the purpose of ascertaining the amount and kind of property at that Institution belonging to this State directing said Agent to report to this House without delay was read and ordered to lie on the table

Petition of John Bent that his account may be allowed was read and referred to the Committee on accounts sent up for concurrance [concurrence]

Petition of Jacob Butterfield and 33 others of Vassalboro -of Jacob Hake and 23 others of Ripley -of George Langley and 22 others of Moscow -of Joel Wellington and 33 others of Albion -of Peter Wellington and 35 others of Harmony & Wellington