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damage by Fire am for the safe keeping of of Gun Powder came from the Senate for concurrance [concurrence] they having amended the same as on sheet annexed marked A and passed the same to be engrossed as thus amended the House recede from their former vote so far as to adopt the amendment proposed by the Senate and pass the same to be engrossed as thus amended in concurrance [concurrence] with the Senate

Resolve authorizeing [authorizing] an abatement on certain claims against Israel Curtis was read once and Monday next at 11 o clock assigned for a 2d. Reading

Bill to annex a part of the town of York to the town of South Berwick was read a third time and passed to be engrossed sent up for concurrance [concurrence]

Report on a Resolve in favour of the Penobscot tribe of Indians to sell spruce timber -on Petition of J.C. Churchill and others were read and ordered to lie on the table

Bill to annex a part of the town of Hallowell to the town of Gardiner came from the Senate for concurrance [concurrence] they having reconsidered their former vote whereby the passed the Bill to be engrossed adopt the first amendment of the House nonconcur in the second and