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Waldo, Resolve respecting Highways in the County of 270. 294. 320. " Mills Company, Bill to incorportate [incorporate] 345. 351. 361. Warden of State Prison, Report of, 182 Watson, Sewall, Resolve in favor of 332. 338. 346. 349. Wesleyan Journal, Maine, Bill to incorporate the Associates of, 181. 189. 224. " Seminary " Resolve for the benefit of 195. 204. 287. 344. Wheels, Broad Rimmed, Bill relative to, 222. 298. " " " within the towns of Baileyville, Princeton & the Indian township, upon Baring & Houlton Road, Bill providing for the use of 348 " " " Bill requiring the use of, in the town of Hallowell, 325. 339. Wild Cats, (See Bears) Williams, Edward, chosen Counsellor 30. acceptance 58. qualified 60. " Reuel, Resolve in favor of 276. 280. 294. 340. 347. 362. " " Commissioner of Public Buildings, report of communicated by Governor 241. Williamson, Joseph, chosen President 3. acceptance 3. Address, 3, 368. Winslow, town of, Resolve in favor of 276. 280. 295. Wiscasset Whale Fishing Company, Bill to incorporate 213. 261. Wolves, (see Bears) Wood, Wilmot, Resolve in favor of 215. 227. Work Houses, County, Bill for establishing 186.


Yeas & Nays, 79. 114. 123. 127. 146. 150. 161. 174. 177. 184. 191. 205. 211. 217. 218. 223. 230. 245. 262. 263. 279. 286. 290. 296. 309. 315. 323. 324. 328. 331. 334. 335. 340. 352. 355. 356. 357. 359. York, Bill to annex part of town of S. Berwick, 108. 109. 117. 188. 198. 225. " County, Resolve respecting the building of a Jail in, 167. 167. 187. Youth, Bill to provide for the instruction of 245. 272. 275. 294. 328. 353. " Resolve to carry into effect the Law of March 4, 1833, relative to the education of 230. 261.