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223 I tender you may sincere thanks for the honor conferred by your vote, I accept the station with diffidence, but not without hope that I may be able with the assistance in your power to render me, to discharge its duties in an acceptable manner. I shall at all times endeavor so to conduct as to preserve the dignity of the House, and the impartiality of the Chair.

The course of the gentleman who has thus far presided over our deliberations, a course that has deservedly commended itself to the highest approbation of the whole House, shall be an example to be followed by me during the remaining part of the session, With the hope that in all we do, we shall have a single eye to the honor of our State, and the interests of our constituents, I against returning you my grateful acknowledgements for the high confidence you have reposed in me.

And then the House adjourned


James L Child
