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99 Wednesday January 28, 1835.

The committee on Engrossed Bills reported as correctly engrossed Bill authorizing the United States of America to take and hold lands within this State for the purpose of erecting Light houses thereon, and the same was passed to be enacted.

Bill establishing a Supreme Judicial Court with in this State and for other purposes, came up referred to the Committee on the Judiciary - read and referred in concurrence

Petition of John Burnham and others for the repeal of the act relative to the lock and sluice through Dam in Orland, passed February 23d, 1825, came up from the House referred to the Committee on Interior Fisheries. The Senate nonconcur the House in said reference and refer the same to the Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals. Sent down for concurrence.

The Land Agents Report, transmitted with message 17th instant, was taken up and referred to the Committee on State Lands. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Petition of John Wilson Jr. for compensation for performing the duties of Adjutant 4th Regiment, 1st Brigade, 8 Division of the Militia in 1833 - read and referred to the Committee on Accounts, in concurrence.