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Report of the Committee on Manufactures, giving leave to withdraw on petition of William Jameson and others, came up from the House committed to the Committee on the Judiciary. The Senate nonconcur the House in their commitment and accept the report. Sent down for concurrence.

Report of the Secretary of State of the returns made by Inspections of Fish within State was read and referred to the Committee that have the Inspection Laws under consideration. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Resolve in favor of Prentiss Mellen, laid on the table by Mr. Greene of Somerset on the 15th January last, was, on motion of Mr. Bartlett, taken up, read read once and tomorrow at ten o'clock in the forenoon assigned for a second reading;

Bill to provide for the use of broad rimmed wheels in the County of Penobscott was read the second time and recommitted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Bill additional requiring the use of bread rimmed wheels in the town of Hallowell in certain cases, Bill additional to establish the Bucksport and Prospect Ferry Company severally read the second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence.

Resolve in favor of Joshua Elder, Resolve providing for the purchase and distribution of Greenleaf Reports, severally read the second