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Bill additional relative to laying out and making highways (reported by Mr. Barnard from the Select Committee of the Senate on petition of the Commissioners of Lincoln County, was read once, and the same, on motion of Mr. Smith ordered to lie on the table and four hundred copies be printed for the use of the Legislature.

Mr. Greene of Somerset, from the Committee on Division and Alternation of Counties reported leave to withdraw on petitions of sundry inhabitants of Washington County, and also on petition of the Selectmen of Calais -- read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Bill to incorporate the Forest Grove Cemetery was on motion of Mr Emmons, taken up, and the Senate reconsider the vote whereby they passed said Bill to be engrossed and amend the same; and said Bill on motion of Mr Chandler, was ordered to lie on the table.

Bill providing for the use of broad rimmed wheels in the County of Penobscot was read (as reported in new draft) and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a second reading.

The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as correctly engrossed Bill to increase the Capital Stock of the Cumberland Steam Navigation Company, Bill additional to an Act to incorporate the Bangor House Proprietary, and the same were severally passed to be enacted. [underlinded]


Attest, William Trafton Secretary