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15 Mr Talbot from the Joint Select Committee appointed to wait on Robert P Dunlap[name underlined] and inform ^him that he has been elected by the People[underlined], Governor[underlined] of this State[underlined] for the current political year, and that the two Houses of the Legislature, are ready to convene in the Representatives Hall that in this presence he may take and subscribe the oaths of office required by the Constitution, having attended to that duty, reported that the Governor elect was pleased to say that he would meet them forthwith in Convention for the proposes aforesaid.

In Convention [underlined, title] Agreeably to assignment the two Houses met in the Representatives Hall. Mr Clark of the Senate was charged with a message to the Governor elect informing him that the two Houses of the Legislature have met in Convention and are now ready to administer to him the oaths required be the Constitution to qualify him to discharge the duties devolving on him as Governor of the State of Maine; after which Robert P. Dunlap. Esquire. came in, attended by the Council, Secretary of State and Sheriff of Kennebec County. and before the President of the Senate: and in presence of the Convention of the Houses of the Legislature, took and subscribed the oaths required by the Constitution to qualify him to enter upon the[crossed out] upon the discharge of his official duties.

The Secretary of State then made proclamation that Robert P. Dunlap is Governor of the State of Maine for the current political year and to be respected and obeyed as such.

The Governor and Council then withdraw and the Convention seperated.