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ding States; which Report and Resolutions were read and the same, on motion of Mr. Jarvis were referred to a Joint Select Committee, consisting on the part of the Senate of Messrs Jarvis, Johnson and Greene, with such as the House may join. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred and Messrs. McIntire, Scammon, Tobin, Richardson, Fletcher, Lake, Foster, Wilson, Adams and Gordon, in concurrence.

In Convention. Agreeably to assignment the two Houses of the Legislature met in Convention for the purpose of qualifying Charles Greene, Counsellor elect. Mr. Greene, being present, before the President of the Convention and in presence of both Houses of the Legislature took and subscribed the oaths required by the Constitution to qualify him to enter upon the discharge of his official duties, - and the Convention separated

In Senate. On motion of Mr Clark, Ordered, that a special message be sent to the Governor and Council informing that body that Charles Greene has been elected Counsellor to advise the Governor in the Executive Department for the current political year; and that he is qualified as the Constitution directs to enter upon the discharge of his official duties. Which message