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the table by Mr Talbot) was read once and ordered to lie on the table; and on motion of Mr Severance, ordered that 500 copies of said Bill be printed for the uses of the Legislature.

Bill relating to appropriations of money; -"- for the investment of certain funds. severally taken up, and on motion of Mr Jewett referred to a Joint Select Committee, consisting on the part of the Senate of Messrs Jewett, Benson and Fish with such as the House may join. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred and Messrs Steward of Anson, Adams of Lincoln, Stanley of Dixfield, Lord of Buxton, Sprout of Waldoboro', Richardson of Portland and Milliken of Lincolnville are joined.

Petition of Jonas Jewett and others, -"- of Edmund Dresser and others , praying that the Statute in relation to Mill Dams may be amended, came up from the House of Representatives referred to the Committee on Agriculture. The Senate nonconcur with the House in their reference and refer the same to the Committee on Interior Waters. Sent down for concurrence.

Petition of John H. White and others, praying to be set off from Madison to Milburn, - read and referred to the Committee on Division of Towns. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Petition of Parker McCobb and others, praying for the incorporation of a Bank in Portland, - read and referred to the Committee on Banks and Banking. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.