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read and referred and Messrs. Weeks and Fish are joined in concurrence.

Petition of Ivory Jeffords and others, praying that the Land Agent may be authorized to give them a deed - read and referred to the Committee on State Lands in concurrence.

Remonstrance of David Dunlap and others against the petition of Stephen Purinton and others - read and referred to the Committee on Roads and Bridges, in concurrence.

Petition of Simeon Milliken, praying for the reimbursement of his school and highway money paid to the town of Mount Desert; Petition of James C. Churchill and others, praying for aid in behalf of Westbrook Seminary. severally read and referred to the Committee on Literature and Literary Institutions in concurrence.

Petition of John Emery and others, praying to be incorporated into a Company by the name of York County Granite Company; Bill to incorporate the Kennebec Granite Company (introduced in the House) severally read and referred to the Committee on Manufactures in concurrence.

Petition of the Bangor and Orono Rail Road Company, praying for an alteration of their Charter - read and referred to the Committee on Rail Roads & Canals in concurrence.