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Secretary of State transmitting in tabular form a list of all the incorporated Colleges, Academies, Seminaries and High Schools in this State with the amount of donations they have received from the Legislature of this State, and also from the State of Massachusetts before the Separation &c. agreeably to an order of the first instant - read and on motion of Mr Severance, ordered that 700 copies be printed under the direction of the Secretary of State, for the use of the Legislature. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Bill to incorporate the Lincoln Manufacturing Company (reported in the House by the Committee on Manufactures on petition of Calvin Gorham and others,) was read once and the same, on motion of Mr. Purington, was laid on the table.

Agreeably to assignment, the farther [further] consideration of the Bill aditional [additional] to an Act to regulate Banks by prohibiting the emission and circulation of Bank Bills of a small denomination, was resumed. The amendment under consideration proposed by Mr Jarvis on Saturday last, to strike out the word "Five" and insert "Three" in lieu thereof, in 8th line 1st Sec. and in the same Section, 16th line before the word "Provided" insert "and from and after the first day of January next, no Banking Company shall emit, issue, pass or receive in payment of any debt, or in exchange, or any business transaction, any Bank Bill or note of a less denomination than Five Dollars, issued by any Banking Company established in this State or elsewhere."