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Bill to change the name of Milburn (reported by Mr. Johnson from the Select Committee on petition of Samuel Weston & others; -"- to incorporate the Phipsburg Canal Company (reported in the House by the Committee on Manufactures on petition of David Reed and others; Resolve in favor of Joshua Hathaway (reported by Mr. Fish from the Committee on State Lands, on petition of Joshua Hathaway, severally read once and to morrow at ten o'clock assigned for a second reading.

Resolve in favor of John Harford was read the second time and the same on motion of Mr. Johnson was ordered to lie on the table.

On motion Mr. Strickland, The Senate reconsider their vote of yesterday whereby they passed to be engrossed Bill additional to an Act to organize, discipline, and govern the Militia and said Bill on motion of Mr. Frye was ordered to lie on the table.

Bill to regulate the execution of the punishment of Death, on motion of Mr. Purinton was taken up and indefinitely postponed. Sent down for concurrence.

Bill to incorporate the Stillwater Falls Company was read the second time