360 questions of thus referring, being ordered to be taken by yeas and nays was decided in the negative as follows, to wit: Yeas. Messrs. Allen Benson, Jarvis, Hewett, Manton, Merrow, Pierce, Spear, Strickland and Talbot 10 Nays. Messrs Clark, Fish, Fry, Greene, Kelsey, Latham, McIntire, Miller, Purrington, Staples, Swift and Weeks ----12 and said Bill was laid upon the table. The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as correctly engrosssed, Resolve in favor of Alexander Boothby -"- in favor of Enock Cordwell -"- in favor of James W. Webster, -"- For the preservation of the Mars Hill Road -"- authorizing the acting Quarter Master General to Convey a lot of Land and to dispose of the Gunhouse in Bangor, and the same were severally finally Passed. [underlined]
The same Committee reported as correctly engrossed, Bill creating the Saco and Biddeford Village Corporation;
-"- to authorize Jesse Russell Jr and Bernard L. Bailey to build a Dam across tide waters in the town of Woolwich,
-"- to establish the Androscoggin Canal and Mill Company,
-"- to incorporate the Eastport Manufacturing Company
-"- to incorporate the Portland Granite Company
-"- to incorporate the Pleasant River Iron Steal Company,