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[page 672] cases. Ans. Perhaps 30 or 40. Ques. Of course you would not say that each one of the patients in the hospital receives as good treatment as he could receive if you attended to only one case. Ans. I think they receive all the treatment that is necessary. Ques. A physician attending to half a dozen cases in a private hospital could treat these half dozen better than you can do many. Ans. They could do more perhaps in the way of amusements and having them out to ride and walk. They could not do much more in the way of medicine than we are doing. Ques. Medicine is not of great consequence in the cure of insanity. Ans. So far as the physical system is concerned, if there is any bodily derangement, medicine is necessary. Quse. The general treatment in the cure of insanity is about the treatment you would give a man with a wasted nervous system. Ans. The treatment is medical and moral. The moral treatment regard as more important than the medical. Ques. If a gentleman came to you who was run down, and his nervous system was disorganized, you would ordinarily prescribe healthy exercise, fresh air, change and amusement, etc. Ans. Yes; those are all moral. Then we give them tonics in order to tone up the system, and if they need any sedative, we give them that.