Exposition of 1857. Created by R. 1857, c. 11.
Duties--prepare, transmit and present a representation of Maine's industrial products, resources, and occupations at the agricultural exhibition in Paris, France.
Members--1 or more appointed by Governor with advice of the Council.
Legislative History:
R. 1857, c. 11.
7.04--Agents to Conduct Scientific Survey of the State, Created by R. 1861, c. 84.
Duties--conduct a scientific survey of the State witch includes its geology, agricultural, natural history, and physical geography.
Additional information--appointed by Goernor with advice of Secretary of the Board of Agriculture.
Legislative History:
R. 1981, c. 84. R. 1862, c. 177. R. 1865, c. 177.
7.05--Maine Agricultural Experiment Station. Created by P/L/ 1885, c. 294.
Duties--implement provisions of an Act of Congress of the U.S. to establish Agricultural Experiment Stations in connection with colleges established by law of 1862--R.S. 1903. Purchase farm for conducting scientific experiments in orchardry--P.L. 1909. Conduct investigations in animal husbandry--P.L. 1913. Conduct investigations in orchardry, corn and other farm crops--M.R.S.A 1964.
Legislative History:
P.L. 1885, c. 294. R. 1895, c. 119. P.&S.L. 1913, c. 190, § 4. P.&S.L. 1915, c. 86. P.&S.L. 1917, c. 202. P.&S.L. 1919, c. 4. R. 1919, c. 6. R. 1921, c. 97. R. 1923, cc. 15; 127. R. 1925, cc. 18; 54.