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An Act Establishing Courts of Common Pleas (An Act Establishing Courts of Common Pleas p4.pdf)

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recognizances and processes, returnable to, and which would have had day therein had not this Act been passed, shall be returnable to, and have day in, and be fully acted upon, by the Courts of Common Pleas created by this Act. And all parties, jurors, witnesses and others, who would have been held to appear after the said first day of October next, at the several Circuit Courts of Common Pleas then next to be holden in this State, shall be holden to appear at the next Court of Common Pleas, erected [one struck through] created by this Act, in their respective counties. And the said Courts of Common Pleas, erected [one struck through] created by this Act, shall in their respective counties, have full power and authority to grant any executions to carry into effect any judgment rendered in the Circuit Courts of Common Pleas, now in existence, in the same manner as the said Courts might, had not this Act been passed.


Link to document in Digital Maine

Language: English

Date: 1820

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