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Indian Lives and Anecdotes ca. 1886 - 1941 part 5 (ms158_b3f003_005.03.pdf)
[Top half of page struck through with one pencilled diagonal:]
man, sung it Joyfully; no more dribin' Sunday." Eb'ry crew me come to me told it dat same way. When me got dam been h'ist bout twenty minutes. Me speak so "You shut down, boys; dem's orders, head quarters; old Isaac he sung it Joyfully. No more dribin' Sunday." Speak so "Me wish you brought it us dat same word ebry Sunday." Two more years me work old Isaac; no more dribin' Sunday.
This story used to take so long in telling that my father was in the habit of getting asleep before the end of it. Sebattis always used to remark reproachfully on discovering this: "Why you gone sleep? Why dont you gone wake?"
"Leglar ole pilate (pirate) [= regular old pirate] was a great phrase with Sebattis.
"Me should say ourself" was one of his common phrases.
He an' old sister (of Charity) made it leglations (regulations) about girls & boys leaving church
Description: Pages from Fannie Hardy Eckstorm's notebook 10 (X)
Link to document in Digital Maine
Language: English
Date: ca. 1886 - 1941
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