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Senate Journal 1837 (30-318514-P072A.pdf)
Bill to incorporate the Charleston Academy (reported by the same one petition of Samuel Norcross and others) read once and Friday next eleven o'clock assigned for a second reading.
Bill giving power to the County Commissioners for the County of Cumberland to lay out a Roads over tide waters from Brunswick to the Great Island in Harpswell and Orrs Island; -"- additional establishing Salaries for Judges and Registers of Probate; -"- to incorporate the town of Eastbrook severally read the second time and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
attest, William Trafton, Secretary
Description: The journal of the Senate documents the proceedings in the chamber, including actions taken on bills, petitions and reports from committees read, and votes taken. The journals are not transcripts and therefore do not include floor speeches that are found in the modern Legislative Records.
Link to document in Digital Maine
Language: English
Date: 1837
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