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Senate Journal 1837 (30-318514-P105B.pdf)


Petition[underscored] of John G. Hall and others, praying to be incorporated by the name of the "Vassalborough Boom Company;

Petition[underscored] of Neal D. Shaw and others, praying to be incorporated by the name of the St. Croix Manufacturing Company severally read and referred to the Committee on Interior Waters, in concurrence.

Petition[underscored] of Ira Bailey and another, praying to be set off from the town of Albion to the town of Palermo;

Remonstrance[underscored] of the town of Sweden against the petition of Smith Kneeland and others, praying to be set off from Lovell to Sweden — severally read and referred to the Committee on Division of Towns in concurrence.

Petition of Reuben Smith and others; ---"--- of Guy McAlister and others; ---"--- of David Webster and others, praying for the endowment of Freedom Academy — severally read and referred to the Committee on Literature and Literary Institutions, in concurrence.

Resolve[underscored] of the inhabitants of Orland in relation to the Surplus Revenue;

Petition[underscored] of Selectmen of Leeds, praying that the Surplus Revenue may be apportioned among the Cities, towns and plantations in this State according to the number of Representatives;

Description: The journal of the Senate documents the proceedings in the chamber, including actions taken on bills, petitions and reports from committees read, and votes taken. The journals are not transcripts and therefore do not include floor speeches that are found in the modern Legislative Records.

Link to document in Digital Maine

Language: English

Date: 1837

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