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Investigation of the Committee of the Legislature of 1881 Concerning the Management of the Maine Insane Hospital Part 2 (14-354688-F017-I001-P1083.pdf)

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1083 Q (cont.) opportunity of seeing and knowing the condition of the patients in those lodges have you? A. Yes sir Q. Have you ever been in those lodges or in the halls connected with the lodges and seen patients there and felt in your own mind that they were suffering from cold. A. No sir, I never saw a case that I thought was worthy of reporting. I want to say right there that my hours are late, up later than any other officer a rule, and I frequently go in there to know that the house is safe as regards fire and that everything else is safe, usually retire at 12 o'clock. By Dr. Baker Q. Have you ever seen it when you thought it was near freezing point, or within 20 degrees of it? A. That would be a matter of judgement and information about a number of degrees. I never saw it so I thought it was approaching freezing point. I have seen frost on the outer windows of the room. Q. You have seen it on the dwelling houses when the temperature was up to 20? A. Yes I have often seen it so.


Link to document in Digital Maine

Language: English

Date: 1881

Image 121 of 432