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Investigation of the Committee of the Legislature of 1881 Concerning the Management of the Maine Insane Hospital Part 2 (14-354688-F016-I001-P1027.pdf)

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By Mr. Baker: Q. Whether a few moments after you were in there her condition might have been very obvious A. The change may have taken place in one minute. Q. What would the change be A. Simply expulsion of the foetus, which would make the case at once obvious to any one. Q. Whereas before it would have required a digital examination A. Yes sir. Q. How far advanced in pregnancy should you judge the patient to have been A. I judged it about 5 months, between 4 and 5 months. By Dr. Butler: Q Do you know whether these attendants were in there when you went in A. They were not there when I was there. They went away the moment I went into the room. Q. Do you know whether they had been in there just before A. I supposed they had By Mr. Baker: Q. Do you remember one Peabody A. Yes sir Q. Is he there now A. No sir he died


Link to document in Digital Maine

Language: English

Date: 1881

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