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Investigation of the Committee of the Legislature of 1881 Concerning the Management of the Maine Insane Hospital Part 2 (14-354688-F017-I001-P1076.pdf)

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1076 Q. Was it lower than a few years ago? A. I think we may have charged more for them Q. But 60 cents is the lowest that has been paid to the last of Nov? A. I would not say with accuracy, but that is about it. Q. Now there has been a long time when they were charging 40cents and didn't that remain so until at a certain time your attention was called to the fact that was to high?. A. I have already said that people some times found fault with those charges, and we always returned them if we could, some times we could not. Q. As the business man of the establishment was it not your business to see when the price of cotton started dropping? A. No sir, it was not my duty. It was the duty of the trustees. Q. Then it is a act that the trustees allowed those charges for sheets to be at a very high rate when the goods had dropped? A. Yes sir and this was done by reason of the large amount of


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Language: English

Date: 1881

Image 114 of 432