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Investigation of the Committee of the Legislature of 1881 Concerning the Management of the Maine Insane Hospital Part 2 (14-354688-F019-I001-P1144.pdf)

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1144 Testimony of Nancy Butler By Mr. Lakin Q. Are you now employed in the hospital at service? A. I am Q. In what capacity? A. In the kitchen cooking meals Q. Do you know who cooked the meats just before you took that duty? A. Morris Leighton who testified here tonight Q. Had you had previous experience in cooking meats? A. I had Q. For about how many years? A. 25 Q. Where at? A. Lewiston Dewitt house, Augusta at the Augusta house, and out south at a hotel in Florida, four winters. Q. Did you have reason to think you gave good satisfaction in those places as a meat cook? A. I did Q. Did you know of being recommended to the hospital service by a gentleman versed in hotel matters? A. Yes sir Q. And when you entered the service as a meat cook at the hospital had you any particular instructions as to preventing the use of unsuitable meats? A. Yes sir Q. Were you expected not to cook meats


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Language: English

Date: 1881

Image 188 of 432