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Investigation of the Committee of the Legislature of 1881 Concerning the Management of the Maine Insane Hospital Part 2 (14-354688-F019-I001-P1152.pdf)

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1152 Q. (cont.) had received a package of goods not fit for use as food, what were you orders? A. To report it to the Treasurer and Steward Q. Did you have such a case? A. I don't recall any case of that kind now. Q. You think it possible there might have been such a case? A. I think I should have remembered if there had been any thing of the kind. I don't recollect one. The coffee was generally Rio. It was so in the invoice which I saw myself, I charged into my books all the food goods from on the invoices, debited myself with them. The article of coffee was all coffee and nothing else. The last of my being clerk it was received in a green state, think it was formerly otherwise. Q. Were the goods that came into your hands issued in good condition? A Yes sir, after anything had become unfit for food from having it so long on hand I should not issue it but throw it one side Q. Would it be necessary to make any entry on your book? A. Yes sir Q. Would you be likely to throw it one


Link to document in Digital Maine

Language: English

Date: 1881

Image 196 of 432