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(Created page with "1960(continued) Did illu:·,trn.tion::; for ·\n•n.t A.re l..egcn,ls b~/· ·:lick Hi 0 cinr{:r:uch eo:i;--respo11d.cnco 'Jit;2J. he m:d .R::.J,r Johnson. H~rT'IJ Kiru:is,...")
(Replaced content with "1960 (continued) (centered) Did illustrations for What Are legends by Dick Higgins: much correspondence with he and Ray Johnson. Harry Kiakis, author of Venice: Beatnik...")
Line 1: Line 1:
1960 (continued) (centered)
Did illu:·,trn.tion::; for ·\n•n.t A.re l..egcn,ls b~/· ·:lick Hi 0 cinr{:r:uch
Did illustrations for What Are legends by Dick Higgins: much correspondence with he and Ray Johnson. Harry Kiakis, author of Venice: Beatnik Capitol and The Watts Towers
eo:i;--respo11d.cnco 'Jit;2J. he m:d .R::.J,r Johnson. H~rT'IJ Kiru:is, ".ui;hor of'
Venice: Ilcn:t:nil::: Capitol a"'ld The Watt.s Towers visited us, went vii th
1,{{f!· hin -co ::•recieric:ldon to rJee Winston Churchill pn.inting~,m1.'isev.m <md
·ttr1ive:cr-it;r,l:Lm:ce to :.:t.John,retur:ning to C~.lais and hence couth to
vi~lit fnther 0.t; Lincolnville Center as he returned to 1'1acsn.chou.etto
ru1d CnJ.ifor-.nia.C,f:.i:'.:.,:r·ed job te::1.Ching englir-h and french f),t the
A:..-:hlan.d C:o::·::c:-~u-'.1itr School Dis:tric.:t, .l\shlew1d,I.Ia9-ne, oovering r:evera.l .
sm::::i.11 to ?m ships in that area.liig.h point in Calaic v1as .he_,:}.ring on
t~dal powe! r.t .t8..,;S9l'.i'.:J:1g_uotty(op )~1d my _r:::feech_f'or '."l. co;r:bino o:f
t1<1c 0.,1.d "t,rn :1.to:n, to preserve 11orth0rn >n.J.nc river flrcr:in; also a
r::1iri ted de:re:u~e ...,,CR,inst raii::;ing water rates ••• wo.s :fl"'eq_uc:ntly
i:i:;.torviewcd i'or Calais and :.,t. ;,-(;ephen J)apers •• nttendc:d ua'kinc o:f
1:1ovi0 ',x~:rir:e P,t Cri~-:-~:p:;,bcllai · in EP,fctport ( f':eeine :::·n:me l.:1.ter in r:oscow)
left Cal<J,is by bus lri:t;o August,train through Lev: Lrwu,vrick 0.11d up ~;t.
Jol111 ctcppinc i:t1 \'/ooC:r/tock to :ccli·,,,-c 90,1"'1ier vj_!-:i tr, ~,.o o, 1Jo;s1 , often
yirdt:Lr:.g t·or 8, C.rT~\f from 1Ioulton ,7i th 7~·:y p".'.rerr'Gc:, ·uncle Dick, Atmt Dora,
Harold and cometiLleB ~..lone via ·trnin from IIoul t'on. (::?col a great kinchip with the 0-t.Jolln,-ru:lon;_; the vrorld'r·. rivcr::-:,ns cu.1cor:;torc c~J::t;! u:p
ii., i::'l. c-.rJ.:,. c.r~ r.·; cro0cin-5 over into I'.n,i11c to for.m. rorter ' ottlcncnt
zrllf,re I n8.c bor11 •• v10uld like to opcnd. a FLmur.i.ur in \looc1ctocl-:). Visited
vrritoru there ~iE<l vrr:..c interviowcd 0::1 rf.l..dio .. ContinuecJ.. 1).J) <:t. tTohn by
tr:--,j_JJ. to Tcrtll, crOE!:'.>Cd. b;:,r ta:,.:i bCPJ}.tif,11 e:;,: clr1,cicr cou.ntr;v to Ashlruid.
;:,ecmed to r-,ntagonize older natives, ·unconscio11sly turned daily classroo:Gi to mrn views of wlin.:t; dic:ci:pline, ton.chi11.e could be; t}nw th8ro vrcre
Z:-tn,:n:y; lmorthodo::: hrr,ppeni!1c-n for c1nsnroor:i procedures. :,troer:oct '.'Tri. ting
hen.vily nr: e. pro:fei;,sion one could pursue and still rernain there •• otherwiE
a bleoJ~ future i'or the yoimg •• me.n;y poor. :Entire c:xperience ~..nd reaction!':l •• renl1y U(Jcd pln.ce ns a Intni tute o:f Ad"lin.nccd. Thin1'::i7'.F, tef3t
l.aborntay of mm ideas •• was written as ~iCIED lo.ter :for o. ncwBprq)er in ·
~Jvrcdo:~ a:.10. ::-~:c, l)rojcctcd cxtonr:iion chapter for I •ve Left. 'tu.dents took
p2.rt in c. :nntion:'J.J. poetry Yrriting plan fb:-c high cchoolt:; [;ome ,.·rork wns
~cceptcd from my group.lh.U'ing three-·:reck n1;otn.toe pic~ciI:g vc.cn,tion"
· dtiring v1L.ich ;::,e;hoolc clo~::e so ctuc1e:1tn crn1 help thc)ir r)n.rc:ntc hqrvest
tb.G :enll crOflfl vrife ri.,;_1.d I went north by bus to 1!,ort 12cnt ~. n.d '.7Cst to
the A.lln.gn.r.:,h, hence b;7 bus arotmd tip of .n.orthcrn 1:Iri.ine to :- t . .J...eonard,
hence EH:tfrcward arom1d the outer edge of nerv :Bru.11::wrick (hnc1 cone nround
G-nsne })cninsuJ.a earJ.ier i'rom New· York: City·, circa 1938) hence to :Moncton
hoLtc of Grr:i...nd:C'athcr :i:foger,,:·• relatives n:nd :ploo.'na.nt me:,:oricr, of !llY boyhoocl vici ..G:-: t~rnrc r~GcH.:;i~~g hi:3 rc~ntiye~./?r the. firet time. ~n 30 years,
}fence by s.1.r 1iO ll;-1.l:i.fa::., r,ova ,,cotia ( rurJli:1'.tion chip blew up -cnr=re ••
hen.rd in Hot1.l ton '.7}H.m very ~yoilllg), by air to Ga.ncler Nev,fov.ndlqncl, by
·tro..i.n to ~lt.Jol1n's,honce by air back to nydnoy,by buo &"'.l.d ferries to
Jtrince T-:d'.:m.:rd If>lnnd (11iesi11g Pug:ra.sh lea:r.ned lat;er •• hm:!.C ot· r1cicnce·thoug.11"'G, nation coope;rn:tion school ty il1d.u.Gtrialist 'born there, name
u:nccrr1:ci:n now), hc,:1.ce ·to L':o:ncton :for more vici ti:·, then lJy privn,t;e cnr
to :f ortland for I,~aine '.l.'eachers • s C;onvention, !1:nd bus bn.ck to Ashland
·with interviev, for presc in !Ioitlton.Uoing a study table in £:.:Yifl for
leverage a t;::coup of frtl"'l:1 boyc thrc'.1 rn.r.3 i::ever:1.l f cot. :t ":11.d.c ,1 on r::.y back.
1-hcl exciting french_ c1A.Sf1es with no englicJ1 :tllowed.Ulasc debri..tes, etc.
~'Ii th com:p1icntions i:1.volving mu.ch deotru.ction of Jivi11g qut'].ters during
· "
Ha]owcen :-:i.:.1<1 a stude:i1t-led investiGation.
on at 10 Presque .isle Hoad. u.u:ti.L a:fter }J11S..s,
\11:iting -.;1:.c1t hm1ry L:iJ.ler ::,aid cf:, Why It Is Import.ant,hiked comrt;ry-oide
ru:d sto..r-i:ied pages of '..Che ~iastern.aker. l:eft by hirGd car :for T,:n.dr.Lwaska
in January.Hiked hiJJs,river's side,I~dmm1dcton.li ved first over beauty

Revision as of 13:35, 8 March 2019

1960 (continued) (centered)

Did illustrations for What Are legends by Dick Higgins: much correspondence with he and Ray Johnson. Harry Kiakis, author of Venice: Beatnik Capitol and The Watts Towers