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�the other Company from Lamont's, the two Companies from the late Emersons, + the two Companies from the late Starret's, will compose the [underlined] second Battalion, to be commanded by [underlined] Major William McIntire.
As soon as the numbers from each standing Company are designated to form this detachment, each Commanding Officer of the Regiment from which they are detached, will direct the Captains appointed to command them, to assemble the men by Companies in some central place, cause them to be enrolled, and make return thereof without delay, as directed by the General Orders beforementioned.
The whole of the Detachment required from this Division, being designed by the Commander in Chief to form one Brigade, Brigadier General Campbell is hereby appointed to take command thereof; + he is authorized to appoint a Brigade Inspector, and such other Brigade Staff as may be necessary to organize the same.
[signature] Henry Sewall
D.A. Genl. 8. Division
Division Orders
July 23. 1794
Entered in the Orderly Book
of the Division
Public service
[?] Henry Sewall D. A.G.
3 [?] Off.
4 Com Staff
4 Non Coms [?]
10 Capts
20 [?]
40 Serjts [?]
20 M[?]
[line drawn underneath to add total]
632 rank + file
[line drawn underneath to add total]

Revision as of 16:48, 13 March 2017

�the other Company from Lamont's, the two Companies from the late Emersons, + the two Companies from the late Starret's, will compose the [underlined] second Battalion, to be commanded by [underlined] Major William McIntire. As soon as the numbers from each standing Company are designated to form this detachment, each Commanding Officer of the Regiment from which they are detached, will direct the Captains appointed to command them, to assemble the men by Companies in some central place, cause them to be enrolled, and make return thereof without delay, as directed by the General Orders beforementioned. The whole of the Detachment required from this Division, being designed by the Commander in Chief to form one Brigade, Brigadier General Campbell is hereby appointed to take command thereof; + he is authorized to appoint a Brigade Inspector, and such other Brigade Staff as may be necessary to organize the same. [signature] Henry Sewall D.A. Genl. 8. Division Division Orders July 23. 1794 Entered in the Orderly Book of the Division Public service [?] Henry Sewall D. A.G. Hallowell 3 [?] Off. 4 Com Staff 4 Non Coms [?] 10 Capts 20 [?] 40 Serjts [?] 20 M[?] [line drawn underneath to add total] 101 632 rank + file [line drawn underneath to add total] 733