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To the Hon. Lot M. Morril
Governor of the State of Maine
We the undersigned [?] would respectfully represent that we have known Mr. John Sprague of Cooper for several years and beli [believe?] him to be an honest man and one well qualified to act as Agent for the Passamaquoddy tribe of indians. Politically he is a Republican being one of the leaders of the free soil partyin his earliest days. He has bee unfortunate and has loast the use of his left hand, and having a large family dependent on him for support the salary would be of much service to him.
We would respectfully request you to give him the appointment and as[?] in[?] duty bound we would ever pray.
-Samuel M. Smith
-John Polley[?]
-Cesar[?] J.[?] Pruitt[?]
-David Pierce
-George Pierce
-Joseph Thompson
-John J. Russell
-John Oliver
-Calvin Whitman
-Richard Bailey
-Al[?] Palmer
-James S. Tyler[?]
-James M. Heath
-William H. Seymour
-Samuel J.[?] Smith
-[?] H.[?] [?]
-Isaac Chambers[?]

Revision as of 11:12, 1 April 2020

To the Hon. Lot M. Morril Governor of the State of Maine

We the undersigned [?] would respectfully represent that we have known Mr. John Sprague of Cooper for several years and beli [believe?] him to be an honest man and one well qualified to act as Agent for the Passamaquoddy tribe of indians. Politically he is a Republican being one of the leaders of the free soil partyin his earliest days. He has bee unfortunate and has loast the use of his left hand, and having a large family dependent on him for support the salary would be of much service to him.

We would respectfully request you to give him the appointment and as[?] in[?] duty bound we would ever pray.

Names -Samuel M. Smith -John Polley[?] -Cesar[?] J.[?] Pruitt[?] -David Pierce -George Pierce -Joseph Thompson -John J. Russell -John Oliver -Calvin Whitman -Richard Bailey -Al[?] Palmer -James S. Tyler[?] -James M. Heath -William H. Seymour -Samuel J.[?] Smith -[?] H.[?] [?] -Isaac Chambers[?]